Welcome to Strong STRINGS

Storytelling & Tracking Rooted Into New Generation San


We, Bushmen (also called San), are the gardians of the oldest living culture worldwide.  The name of my local tribe of hunter-gatherers is Ju'/hoan.
Our lore, culture, spirituality and traditions come from the dawn of time and have (painfully) resisted the last centuries of persecution by the farmer-breeders settling on our land.  Today, Ju'/hoansi (plural) of Tsumkwe have recovered our hunting rights, meaning that our ancient way of life can be fully perpetuated !

And this is exactly what Strong STRINGS is all about :  teaching our young Ju'/hoansi our ancient traditions to keep us strong.
Learning the secrets of archery, tracking, hunting and  perpetuating our culture through storytelling.

Reviving culture locally inevitably sheds light on our little village and Strong STRINGS also guides visitors on cultural tours and offers different kinds of workshops.
Are you open enough to soak this cultural gem ?

Who ?

My name is Kxao Khan//an and I am the founder and manager of Strong STRINGS. I am a proud Ju'/hoan from Tsumkwe as well as a traditional hunter and certified Tracker (via the international CyberTracker evaluation program).

Let me guide you through the bush around my village. Let me and my young students show you how we track, hunt and tell stories. Let us introduce you to our people and our amazing culture.



Where ?

Tsumkwe is the "capital of Bushmanland". On the North-West fringe of the Kalahari semi-desert, we can continue to live the lives that our ancestors did. The C44 road is the only access to this remote part of North-Eastern Namibia, thus preserving us from mainstream tourism and acculturation. To earn that delightful cultural shock, you would have to come here on purpose !
Once here, you can sleep at Dsxautzi camping site.


Help ?

Signing for our workshops starts a VIRTUOUS circle :  as you show interest in our way of life, our young generation will most likely stay rather than move away to the city.  As our ancient traditions get to be known worldwide, it strengthens us all locally.


Strong STRINGS works in close collaboration with Nyae Nyae Conservancy.  If you want to discover our traditional way of life, we encourage you to get in touch with our friend !Gamace's cultural school Tsum'CAT.  We also have friendly connections with the French Tracking association "Je Suis La Piste" and its founder Francis Collie.