Storytelling & Tracking Rooted Into New Generation San
We, Bushmen (also called San), are the gardians of the oldest living culture worldwide. The name of my local tribe of hunter-gatherers is Ju'/hoan.
Our lore, culture, spirituality and traditions come from the dawn of time and have (painfully) resisted the last centuries of persecution by the farmer-breeders settling on our land. Today, Ju'/hoansi (plural) of Tsumkwe have recovered our hunting rights, meaning that our ancient way of life can be fully perpetuated !
And this is exactly what Strong STRINGS is all about : teaching our young Ju'/hoansi our ancient traditions to keep us strong.
Learning the secrets of archery, tracking,
hunting and perpetuating our culture through storytelling.
Reviving culture locally inevitably sheds light on our little village and Strong STRINGS also guides visitors on cultural tours and offers different kinds of workshops.
Are you open enough to soak this cultural gem ?